The Honourable Barack Obama, President of the United States was in Jamaica April 8-9, 2015.
The President did well to connect with youth of Jamaica, and for that matter Jamaicans at large who were privy to his warm address to them with the opening lines “Greetings massive, Wha Ah Gwa’an”. The phrase spoken in the native tongue actually means “Greetings everyone, what’s happening.”
Then it was time for question and answer session.
The President prior to that had one-on-one bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister.
On the first day of his visit, an unscheduled visit to the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston was priority and during his stay at the Jamaica Pegasus, he enjoyed a fair share of Jamaican food that he is known to love.
(April 8-9, 2015)
Signs deal for natural gas to Jamaica… but according to Minister Phillip Paulwell country to benefit starting in 2017
Investment of $70 million in Caribbean education and employment
Promises to look into exonerating criminal record of Marcus Garvey

Warns against ‘squeezing citizens’, plus against Government unnecessary spending. The President was very exact in warning against spending that would not benefit the nation in the long run. Among the areas he recommended for money to be spent are child development, health5.
Welcomes input of China, but warns against accepting behaviours that could affect the nation in long run such as a. government’s unwillingness to reveal any agreement signed with that country b. government allowing import of Chinese workers to build roads that china is contracted to do c. whether roads built by China leads to a mining accessible only by them_______________________________________
_________________Interesting to note however is the disrespect felt by several local communities by their fellow Jamaicans, but who are in power.
Fishermen were not given enough warning or due consideration and had to abruptly cease routine daily activities. A number of them in Saint Ann claim to have suffered loss. Loss suffered was chiefly losing caught fish to sharks, and having their bait spoilt
Crab vendors along the HEROES CIRCLE road also felt they were harshly dealt with by government. After twenty years of their existence, including for the official visits of Royalties from England, they were removed after one day notice. Their stalls were also demolished and with no consideration to their livelihood.
Persons who turned out to get a glimpse of the President also felt abused as they were improperly scurried away fro appearing too close
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