What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Category: Jamaica Literary Works
Literary works by Jamaican authors and/or about Jamaicans, and other interesting persons relating.
HIStory versus OURstory by Jamaican Al Daley
If we learn all they taught we’d all be darn fools
Like humpy dumpy, the cat and the fiddle
Like Columbus …how him discover
Slaughtered Caribs and Arawaks
Harmony Hall launches book ‘In Praise of Jamaica’
Here’s a hundred dollars buy yourself a book
Jamaicans abroad celebrate Brother Anancy
Anancy (Ananse or Anansi) is the West African trickster hero of numerous folk tales that are popular across the Caribbean and throughout the African Diaspora.
Read MoreThe ‘biz’ of business
I get little help.. and oftentimes NONE
because they say I am too ambitious
I cant give in or poverty will envelop me!!!
So I strive until –
Read MoreCalabash 2011 for Boone Hall Oasis May 29
Launched at Spanish Court Hotel, New Kingston, This year under the theme Calabash pon dih river is slated for at Boone Hall Oasis.
Read MoreOur deepest fear by Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant
Read MoreO Carib Isle by Hart Crane
To the white sand I may speak a name, fertile
Albeit in a stranger tongue. Tree names, flower names
Deliberate, gainsay death
A Man May Change by Marvin Bell
In the meantime, in the regular weather of ordinary days,
it sometimes happens that a man has changed
so slowly that he slips away
before anyone notices