‘Dead lef’ house cause mix up between Jamaica cousins

QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz: ‘Dead lef’ problems. My mother died and left only two children. I felt sorry for my brother on my father’s side and moved him in the house because my other brother is away. My brother and his girlfriend started giving me problems so I took out a court order to evict them. The don in the area broke off the lock and put them back in.
Thats not even the problem because I got rid of them with the help of the police. But now my cousin whom my brother’s girlfriend invited to stay in the house sneaked back in and wont leave.
She took me to criminal court claiming I molested her and the judge threw out the case.
Now she’s giving me hell and calling up my brother in foreign to tell him all sorts of things so he calls me to tell me to leave her alone.
She lay-waited me last yesterday and burst my head as I pulled the grill to get in the verandah. Its like a devil from hell. All she’s telling me is that I should leave the house and giver her because my mother who raised her gave my brother and I everything in her will, and we can survive.
What can I do. I dont have the money and I went to the Parish court and they told me they cant help me because it is not my house and my mother died.
Robert Ellis

RESPONSE: Dear Robert Ellis,
Protecting your life is the most important action you need to consider. Far more than ‘ded lef’. Make a proper report to the police, and they should assist you to get medical attention, and put your cousin in court to face the charges for wounding etc.
We left out the details about being afraid to be labelled as an informer, and so on.
If the police do not help you this time, ask to speak with an Inspector or report the station to the Inspectorate of police.
Parish Civil Court
That said, try and visit the nearest legal aid clinic and discuss how to deal with ‘ded lef’.
There are ways to prove ‘title’ in Court, which a lawyer can assist you with. So far, the attorney reviewing your matter can assist to draft your paperwork for court if you still do not come up with money to pay even legal aid clinic attorneys.
If you, however, cannot handle yourself in Court, you must rely on an attorney to speak for you right up to the point of trial when he/she will ask you relevant questions to get to the truth.
Think about making some kind of financial arrangement acceptable by the attorney.
Bear in mind that the parish judge usually questions both you and the other party, in the absence of an attorney in any matter.
At least, for now, get your case started by having your application for a hearing before the nearest parish judge properly filed. So if you find that you cannot pay an attorney, contact us soon and shortly after receiving this information.

Legal Wiz

The above does not constitute legal advice. Inhouse senior journalists research and discuss with specialists eg attorneys-at-law, as necessary before posting responses. In conclusion, names are changed at times by request.


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