He’s giving me a piece of his countryside land in Jamaica

It’s a good move by my friend, but I want to legalise it!.

QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz
My friend is giving me a piece of his land in Manchester, so that I can assist him with his work on the other land in Clarendon. He has title for everything, but not separately for the piece he is giving to me. What do we do.
Tommy Lang

RESPONSE: Dear Tommy Lang,
It’s quite simple, but can be costly.
First you need to determine the portion being given away. Go to the parish council for approval of the portion to be given away, before making your way to the title offices. It is the Parish Council who will approve whether this is a sufficient portion to warrant a title.
You will then need to get a surveyor to cut it off, by marking, and pegging off the portion. Thereafter you will apply for your title. A form for transfer of part of land will be required and this should downloaded from the National Land Agency website.
Very recently the titles office introduced a new application process to obtain title where land is subdivided, which they endeavour to complete in exactly forty (40) days.

Our team can physically assist as necessary.
Legal Wiz

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