How will he pay me from Jamaican Jail

QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
I got a judgement order from the Lower Court for my money, but found out the Defendant is in jail for a crime for over a year now. He doesnt even have family members rallying around him, and nothing to sell at all.
I went to friend to recommend an attorney and he says I am wasting my money and nothing further. I need to leave the island and need that money badly. Can you help me to get an attorney.

RESPONSE: Dear Rudd,
It depends on why you would need an attorney. At this stage an attorney can only assist to get your money only after it can be proven that the person can pay you. The attorney can also help you to ‘refresh the order’ if it expires.
It doesnt seem as if that person can pay you at this time, and its likely that by the time the person is able to pay you the order will expire.
If you need to consult with an attorney further, it is recommended that you go to a legal aid clinic to save you needed funds.
Legal Wiz


The above does not constitute legal advice, but are articles by inhouse senior journalists after research and discussion with attorneys-at-law and other specialists. Names are sometimes changed by request.
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