QUESTION: Dear Legal wiz,
I live in the US, so sent money via Western Union to buy a television set for my girlfriend. I just thought it was a good idea as we have children and this is child’s month. He bought the brand new flat screen television at an Indian store, but asked the to put the receipt in my name, because they wanted to just put ‘Cash’. A week later the television stopped working, and my friend and my girlfriend went back to the store to get another television.
The store manager told them that they should not have complained because they had gotten a discount. I told them to go back, because they got a warranty for a year and it was just a week. I told them to stay in the store, and eventually someone offered to check it, because they have a no refund policy. The man told them it was working alright, but when they got home it didnt work. I told them to go back to the store, and get the store manager to check it in front of them, and it didnt work.
It was a different manager, and they were trying to blame my friend and my girlfriend for damaging the television. My friend tried to get them to fix the television or return my money and they refused. What can I do?
Surprised Anthony
RESPONSE: Dear Surprised Anthony,
Don’t panic. Buyers are protected by the Consumer Protection Act (2005) and because the one year period of warranty has not expired, something can be done. Please ask your friend, to go to the Consumers Affairs Commission and outline everything with the receipt.
Legal Wiz
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