QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
This involves an error on the registrar general department’s (RGD) record keeper NAME of nurse, commentary, etc I am looking to have them reissue my own right and true birth certificate. “On 1-9-2017, I paid $55 united states dollar for that and since receipt….HAVE RETURNED THE NEW ORIGINALS FOR CORRECTION OF FACTS…..full name of nurse because the initialized name was inaccurate) via us postal mail service on 2-7-2017.”
The administrator of the RGD’s departmental office has not acknowledged return receipt THUS FAR…..awaiting the return. We have had multiple dialogue since and they have just been giving me the runaround. Can you help?
Kind regards
Miriam Lo
RESPONSE: Dear Miriam,
Our team can research whats going if you meet our conditions. We’ll then report the findings and together work out a plan to bring your issue to a solution. Fees may apply and are based on volume of work. You will need to provide copies of all relating documents in your possession.
Legal Wiz
The above does not constitute legal advice. Inhouse senior journalists research and discuss with specialists eg attorneys-at-law, as necessary before posting responses. In conclusion, names are changed at times by request.
For attorney-support services (including research, documentation, collections, legwork, agent, property overseer, housesitter, follow ups et al) in Jamaica you may call 876-530-5744 or 305-648-6963 or simply write to to make private arrangements beyond the commitment of this mediahouse.
Critically the Legal Wiz networks professionals from fields in the interest of all Jamaicans and persons relating with Jamaicans.
Physical office is at Suite # 1, 3 South Avenue, Swallowfield, Kingston 5, Jamaica West Indies. Rates may apply. See more
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... a team of professional experts, mostly Jamaicans, from varied fields including as priority paralegal, investigation, research, real estate, construction, arts (literary, visual, performing, culinary) and entertainment, certified Attorneys (civil and criminal law). Information is researched, then published, on this site, in the interest of the wider public.
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