Make tonic for your body the Jamaican way!
It’s never good for a man to ejaculate more than once in one session as while it feels great, he would be destroying his nervous system. Here is a list of main ingredients put in a bottle of good Jamaican tonic for purifying oneself, and further for strengthening of one’s body. Many Jamaican men and women take this each day for improving sex drive and health.
ALOE VERA purifies the blood
BLOOD WISP cleans the blood, helps with circulation
BITTERWOOD purifies the blood, total body cleansing
CAYENNE PEPPER this is a cleanser and a stimulant. It also promotes weight loss.
CINNAMON stimulant
DANDELION cleansing the entire urinary system (kidney, liver and bladder)
DOG BLOOD cleans the womb and ovarian tubes to eliminate foul odours and pain
DUPPY GUN stimulant, aphrodisiac
GARLIC is natures best antibiotic, combats high blood pressure and infections. Garlic also keeps the veins and arteries clean and is a bit of an aphrodisiac.
GINGER soothing circulatory stimulant
GINKGO (Ginkgo biloba) promotes brain function through better circulation, also increase blood flow to the penis when taken regularly.
GINSENG (SIBERIAN) as a stimulant, aphrodisiac, lowers blood pressure, calms the mood, helps the brain to distress.
MEDINA stimulant, aphrodisiac. WARNING: men should not use Medina regularly because one of the side-effects of this herb, is that it lowers the sperm count so much so that it eventually results in ‘dry back’ that is when the man is ejaculating and nothing but air is coming out
PUMPKIN SEED (raw) as stimulants. High in zinc they help to build the sperm count, prevent prostate cancer, and improve the sex drive.
RED CLOVER is good for the heart
SAMSON or bee bush (has a lot of bee pollen) gives energy. This bush is good for diabetes and colds as it has a lot of insulin.
SESAME SEED (raw) as stimulants. High in zinc they help to build the sperm count, prevent prostate cancer, and improve the sex drive (You can add this or just use as a substitute for the pumpkin seeds above)
STIFF COCK (cocoa-like plant that often grows in the hills) purifies the blood
STRONG BACK helps with the nerves, builds stamina
VERVINE is also called ‘love bush’. This was used in ancient times to produce love potions. It is a stimulant that stirs up passion.
YOHIMBE improves blood circulation and keeps the mind clear, direct operation on the sex organs, bringing blood closer to the surface and constricting the veins to keep it there.
Author Profile
- .... a team of herbalist with experience in Jamaican herbology and proven record of their recommended cures using plants, herbs, fruits naturally grown in Jamaica. They are not necessarily trained medical doctors and recommend that consultation be had especially if prescribed medication. Click here to contact me. ...or email me here
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