QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
My friend, a Jamerican, came out from the United States and took me to his house where a man was building furniture for him. The closet, chairs and tables were not sprayed correctly and so he asked me to help him out promising to #give me a ting (something). When everything was finished he moved in and up to now three years later I havent received anything, not even one US dollar.
Hubert Moncrieffe
There is a principle in law about quasi contracts, where one can sue for work he did for another on a volunteer basis. Your situation according to the attorneys consulted borders on you doing voluntary work for a ‘friend’, the Jamerican, who took advantage of you and your skills. So it would be wise to take him to Court and resolve your financial issues. You may surprisingly get more than you bargain for.
Legal Wiz
DISCLAIMER: This column providing general information to the public is written by the inhouse journalist and research officers, is not to be taken as constituting legal advice.
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