Love him or leave him, only a Tiger can scrub his spots

Ever seen a cross between a tiger and a lion, or a tiger and a leopard. It may produce an animal with stripes, spots or nothing at all. Well to some it’s debatable.
Truth is there are certain men by their very nature filled with spots, which just might be permanent.
Rich men like Tiger Woods is one of them. Yet, the point of him having an uncontrollable sexual tool should not be sold as the critical angle of this whole marriage-divorce debacle. Like many men, he roars and hunts even though he has had his fill.
An entire different perspective on this jungle called the world is consideration due to rich men who although seeking to reign their own dens, are men – rich black men are easy prey for starving women. Starving for food, sex or something else like say finances — they are starving, and some do have the luck of the Tigress.

Tiger and wife Nordegren

Now we’ve never seen a cat allowing another to bathe or even wipe it clean, let alone a tiger from the same animal family.

So it makes me wonder —
1. Didnt this wife, now ex-wife knew what she was getting into — I mean I have yet to meet the woman who did not have enough warning signs. Tiger of the woods is black, not bad looking, young, nice personality, adventurous (by virtue of being a sportsman) and filthy rich. Any two of these combos especially given that more women are going after the kill even in the slightest way would render him ideal prey anyway.
2. I do recall even vaguely that this wife, exwife didnt seem to be so innocently going in for love either — you may think to agree after US$ million settlement taken with such ease of departure. I’ve seen others leave it all, or taken it only after much prodding.
Call it what you may, Elin Nordegren has now ‘broken’ the silence and indeed the spots on the Tiger seem so tainted and torn.
However, I hold that she should weigh the entire scenario more carefully unless she herself was not really in love with the man from the woods.
Seriously, when you see signs READ THEM, accept them as household rules as in the end it s a matter of love him or leave him. Love him through thick or thin is what I say — that is provided you accepted the signs. Now numbing your brain to reality, and hoping for change doesnt count.
Reality is men like these change only in their own time and for their own reason, some on their own terms.. but then again are the spots just being hidden or really removed.
I pity those whom I’ve seen respond to the article Nordegan breaks silence on Woods divorce so far. The debate continues on whether to feel sorry for Nordegan the wife, now exwife.
The real issue is whether she or another — what did she do with her spectacles with which she saw the signs.
I pity Tiger of the woods, yes he’s free to roam again, but pity he didnt find the woman who took time to understand from whence cometh these urgings and pangs that needed quenching.
I am in no way sanctioning the straying cat, but too often women snares a wild cat and thinks only to tame him THEIR WAY. She might have had a fighting chance to help such a one willing as he is to overcome, if he was willing and had it been more of a team effort.

A matter of culture of Black men?

Shaggy's hit "It Wasnt me" is popular, but what's the message really -- do it, but don't get caught

Some argue on it being a culture trait for black men. Jamaicans who do similar never come home, or hardly ever try to maintain a good family life.
Tiger’s crime when considering the realities of societies might just be that he got too bold and got caught by the public causing embarrassment to the homely wife.
We think of Shaggy, who has another baby mom, and like other artistes manages to ensure due respect paid to his current queen Rebecca… and yet his song “It wasn’t me rises to number 1 on occasion”. Hmmm?

The new rule seem to be do you thing, but dont flaunt it, and dont get caught — Hmmm? Tiger allowed himself to be caught red-handed – that might be the real crime? What of Biblical values – the foundation of biblical love.
Then again, this marry, divorce and who knows to marry again could all be a stunt pulled by yet another to attract a crowd and value higher in a society such as this.

Note the line in Shaggy’s song — Men always get caught, women never get caught! Hmmm?

I wonder is this is it the luck of the Tigress?

See video Shaggy’s It Wasnt me

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