QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
For over 40 years or so since being in England, my mother has sent money to her sister (my Aunt) who lives in Jamaica, to help her buy land and then to build a house on the land. I am sure the title is in my Aunt’s name alone and whilst my Aunt recognises the contribution (probably most of the funds) has come from my mother, ownership will not be reflected in the title.
I do not think that my Aunt has made a Will and it is now too late since she is suffering from an advanced Dementia/Parkinsons condition. Intestacy rules suggests that as her husband died many years ago and they had no children together and no surviving parents, my mum and her surviving siblings could inherit. Is that right?
What would be required for me to proof my mother’s contribution over many years, when payments will have been cash through Western Union and also my mother now has Dementia and so cannot answer any questions about the events over the years.
I would welcome your comments.
RESPONSE: Dear GeeMack
You started your query based on assumptions, and as such not enough information to prod research.
However in the sequence of priority of who can inherit property, where there are no children, nor spouse siblings can inherit provided necessary steps are taken.
The complication you face there is the capacity of your mother and so you will need an attorney to further assist with the technicalities for your personal benefit.
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