Your mom has died intestate i.e. leaving no will for Jamaican land. To get grant of administration, although seeming straightforward is a very technical process
QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz
My grandmother died. Please tell me how I can apply for letters of administration as she left no will for her estate – land, jewelry etc. in Jamaica? I have learnt that I need letters of administration to be able to operate on her behalf with the land and other valuables she left behind.
Arianna McLeod, UK
RESPONSE: Dear Arianna McLeod, UK
Your mom has died intestate i.e. leaving no will for Jamaican land. To get grant of administration, although seeming straightforward is a very technical process. You will need to fill in a bunch of forms and/or write some letters to provide relevant information. As a start:
You will need to have proof of death, usually a death certificate, pay funds for stamping documents for filing in relevant court in Jamaica. You will need to prove your relationship. If your parents are dead, produce birth and death certificates. Your own birth certificate will be required.
There might be other charges depending on date of death, such as death tax.
If your parents are alive, they need to give you documented authority. (bro/sis need bc with endorsed names)
You will also then need to make an application to either Supreme or Resident Magistrate’s Court depending on the value of the estate. Bear in mind that the cost of stamping relevant documents also depends on the value of estate. Once the value of the estate exceeds 1,500,000.00, it must be dealt with in the Supreme Court
1. Collect and fill in and submit a ‘Particulars for Administrator General’ form, FP-2010, at THIS LINK - (signed or notarised by JP (JA), Notary Public (USA), or Commissioner of Oath (UK)) to the Administrator-General Department
1a. The form must detail what estate comprises i.e. real and personal property and value of the same. Such as vehicles, land
1b. The form must have name of beneficiaries, age of beneficiaries
2. Make sure with that, you also submit
Death Certificate
WHERE there would have been a will, with executor refusing to act, a deed of renunciation signed by executor and stamped and recorded at Islands Office
WHERE an executor has died, proof of death of deceased executor if dead before granting of probate to will
Birth Certificate(s) of children claiming a benefit
Marriage Certificate (where applicable)
Proof of paternity (children born out of wedlock);
Oath of Administrator(s) for Letters of Administration with Will Annexed as prepared by Attorney
Applicable fee
3. The Administrator-General Department (AGD) will approve and issue Certificate of Approval
4. Your legal representative will combine all above and AG’s consent to apply to the relevant Court for ‘Letters of Administration” to be granted, so you can collect assets pay debts etc on behalf of deceased.
4. When granted the AGD will issue letters to all relevant parties
Where there are no complications it takes approximately 5 weeks.
WHEN APPROVED administrators should act according to the guide at THIS LINK:
Legal Wiz
Estate – real and personal property
Documents required for the processing of Estates
Completed [Form of Particulars]
Burial Order
Itemized Bill from Funeral Parlour Re: Funeral for the deceased
Death Certificate
Funeral Receipts
Marriage Certificate
Decree Absolute
Declaration of Common Law Spouse
Birth Certificate
Adoption Certificate
Declaration of Paternity from Court
Affiliation Order
Maintenance Order
Personal Property
Bank Passbook
Certificate(s) of Deposit
Share Certificate(s)
Bond Certificate(s)
Life Insurance Policy
. Motor Vehicle Documents
Certificate of Title
Certificate of Registration
Certificate of Fitness
. Real Property
. Documents of Title to Property (Registered Title, Conveyance, etc.)
Sale Agreement
Purchase Receipt
Pre-checked Plan and Diagram
Declarations of Ownership (2)
Tax Receipts
Original Will
Deed of Renunciation
Power of Attorney
Memorandum of Association of Company
Articles of Association of Company
Claims on Estate with supporting Documents
Other documents may be required under certain circumstances
Please read more here:
Questions on legal proceedings back home can be submitted to [email protected] or [email protected]. Questions will then be processed by team specialists in each area, and selected answers will be placed in relevant Questions and Answers sections of participating mediahouses and sites. These include Street Hype Newspaper in New York, (UK), The Agriculturalist, advice channel and on
For actual legwork, follow ups and other needed legal assistant services in Jamaica not requiring the full services of an attorney you may call 876-530-5744 or 305-648-6963 or simply write to [email protected], [email protected] to make private arrangements beyond the commitment of this mediahouse.
Physical office is at Suite # 1, 3 South Avenue, Swallowfield, Kingston 5, Jamaica West Indies
The fee range starts at a minimum of US$50.00/
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... a team of professional experts, mostly Jamaicans, from varied fields including as priority paralegal, investigation, research, real estate, construction, arts (literary, visual, performing, culinary) and entertainment, certified Attorneys (civil and criminal law). Information is researched, then published, on this site, in the interest of the wider public.
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