OAaSIS expo intrigues at Liguanea Club anniversary brunch

Celebrating 100 years November 21, a day earlier than its full century of existence, the Liguanea Club hosted a brunch at its location. The club was established November 22, 1910.
At the celebratory brunch, its management was focused on showing the practical side of the private-member club, which once was the place for Kingston’s elite business and social scene with sporting services, rooms and relaxation.

ANTHEA McGIBBON PHOTO: Mother of footballer John Barnes, Mrs Jean Barnes embraces youngster Malik Josephs at the Arts to Hearts boothe by the OAaSIS International Foundation held at Liguanea Club's brunch to celebrate it's 100th anniversary.

Dozens of girls from the St Andrew Parish Church Girls’ Home, after a special service at the church’s Half-Way Tree building were feted. Architect and Club President Desmond Hayle pledged its support for the refurbishing of the girls’ home. The OAaSIS International Foundation had a chance to showcase fine art of some of its volunteers.
This was just a part of The Liguanea Club’s executive evidence that the organisation will continue to contribute to national development. The club has approximately 900 members, and according to Hayle prioritises development of sporting and relaxation in Jamaica.
The OAaSIS International Foundation which exists to empower youth through exposure to arts, creativity and culture, showcased internal talents upon invitation of the club

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