Only you can get your Jamaican passport

Dear Legal Wiz,
I am a Jamaican and I live in Atlanta, as a resident of the United States. Can you assist me in getting out my Jamaican passport, if i send you my birth certficate?

There aint no sense to asking someone back in Jamaica to get your passport.
You MUST go in person to the Jamaican consulate nearest you to apply. Rules are rules.
Go quickly now, as all applications are processed and completed at the passport offices in Jamaica. HINT: It may take several weeks.
Ideally, if you were in Jamaica, processing would be approximately four – six weeks.

Jamaican passports

(A) Items needed
Passport application form;

  • Identical color photographs (a Notary Public must signs Section G to validate the photos as belonging to the applicant);
  • Original Birth Certificate;
  • Original Marriage Certificate, where applicable;
  • Original Adoption Register, where applicable and Divorce Judgment, if applicable
  • (B) Procedure
    NOTE: All passport applications are processed/completed at the passport office in Jamaica
    Fill in your form online or physically
    Take the form to the nearest Jamaican Consulate along with all related documents/items from the list outlined at (A) above
    Pay $US110 application fee adults / US$80 minors for renewal or first time passport
    When lost, stolen, damaged or tampered passports a fee of US$190.00 for adults and US$130.00 for minors is required
    Generally, applicants receive a Jamaican passport approximately four to six weeks from the date the application was received by the passport office, if they apply in Jamaica directly. So allow a few weeks extra, when applying from overseas.

    EDITOR’S NOTE: Feel free to contact the legal wiz legwork team for any of your errands. We’ll do your legwork where we can for a nominal fee. Write to [email protected]

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    ... a team of professional experts, mostly Jamaicans, from varied fields including as priority paralegal, investigation, research, real estate, construction, arts (literary, visual, performing, culinary) and entertainment, certified Attorneys (civil and criminal law). Information is researched, then published, on this site, in the interest of the wider public.
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