VELVET BEAN scientific name: Mucuna Pruriens An annual climbing legume, originally brought from southern China and eastern India USES: Generally, this Velvet Bean has many traditional and medicinal usages including.. treating pain, cholera, diabetes, infertility, scorpion bites, snakebites, toothaches, increases testosterone, reduces inflammation, increases libido, kills some parasites, reduces spasms, calms nerves, lowers blood sugar, reduces fever, lowers cholesterol, blood purifier, parkinson’s disease and the list goes on. Throught the world, various countries use it for different ailments. India uses it for cancer, catarrh, cholera, cough, debility, delirium, diabetes, diarrhea,…

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JAMAICA HERB: Breadfruit Tree, leaves, sap, fruit

BREADFRUIT TREE (scientif name: Artocarpus Altilis) The breadfruit tree has a wide range of uses.The fruit itself is consumed in a number of ways. Both the leaves and the sap which runs from the tree is used for various puposes, medicinal and otherwise: a) The tea of breadfruit leaves contain camphoral, is used to lower blood pressure and treat diabetes. b) The sap is applied to contagious skin ailments to prevent their spreading and promote healing. c)The sap can also be boiled to form a rubbery substance that is used…

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