Dear Anthea,
Hi Anthea, Me and my fiancée are looking into getting married. We are not wanting to spend a whole lot but would like a decent ceremony still. I got your name from website and said that you provide most things for 350$ roughly Could you provide me with some information, locations, ministers, photographers (this one would be a big one because I would like a lot of pictures) Thank you in advance with your help.
Dear R,
The first thing you need to know is that the Registrar General Department in Jamaica offers marriage ceremonies at a nominal fee. The locations are either in an indoor decorated office at all RGD locations or an outdoor secluded garden at the RGD Head Office. Read Jamaica RGD Marriage Ceremony on a budget
On the other hand, if you prefer an even more private and personalised setting, this can be arranged through our team.
The US$350 package is generally:
– Stamped Minister’s license and relating documents. Please be aware that the marriage license last for three months
– The ceremony (ie a) marriage officer services (Usually US$50 to US$250) b) ceremonial photographs only, c) our selected location/ facility (ie a private home or office)).
– Two copies of the marriage certificate
Other services for additional fees include transportation, supporters, witnesses, cake, catering, decorations, alternative locations etc are at additional costs.
NB: A processing fee is charged if you need us to do added legwork such as go searching and securing other features outside of our packages.
– Be living in Jamaica at least 24 hours before the ceremony
– Certified copies of bride and groom’s birth certificates;
– Valid identification for bride and groom (National ID, Passport, Driver’s Licence, etc.);
– Occupation of bride and groom;
– If either party was previously married, marriage certificate for previous marriage, certified final divorce papers or death certificate of deceased spouse;
– The relevant fees
See more ‘How to get married cheap cheap in Jamaica?
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