You saved me and my life, thanks Legal Wiz

I simply want to say thanks openly. I won a case in 2010 and every time I went to the Court, they kept telling me I could do nothing more because the file number was wrong. I always showed them the receipt that they gave to me.
I have been suffering all this time and even got a protection order. The police would never throw out the person because they always said I needed the bailiff to do it, as you explained.

Luckily when you had helped me you had kept a copy of the papers all this time. Those papers had a correction which I forgot because the mistake was made by the court staff and honestly thought they had made the corrections everywhere.

So now I finally filed to open back the case and get more time to get that person kicked out and moved far from me. I look forward to that court date which you again helped me to get as I am ill and stressing from this.
Thank you so much.

Dear AM,
Thank you. You’re welcome. All the best.

Legal Wiz


The above does not constitute legal advice, and are done by inhouse senior journalists, chiefly Anthea McGibbon, after research and discussion with attorneys-at-law and other specialists, as necessary. Please remember that names are changed at times by request of the person seeking information.

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For non attorney services (including research, documentation, collections, legwork, filing, artwork, follow ups) in Jamaica you may simply write to [email protected] to make private arrangements beyond the commitment of this mediahouse. TEL: 876-530-5744 or 305-648-6963.
The Legal Wiz networks professionals from all fields to serve the interest of all Jamaicans and persons relating with Jamaicans.
Physical office is at Suite # 1, 3 South Avenue, Swallowfield, Kingston 5, Jamaica West Indies. Rates may apply.

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