Grosvenor opens Veronia Banarsee art exhibition in style

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Saturday June 2, 2012 in a display of splendour, the Grosvenor Gallery exposed the artistic affair of painter Veronia Banarsee. Excellent selections were done by the legendary Keith Lyn as Minister Phillip Paulwell accepted special invitation as a close friend to speak at the artist’s very first official solo exhibition.

The display was in the main room of the Grosvenor Gallery, but the event launched outside café-style. The seating area was encircled with marquees and waiters and waitresses ensured a full-service bar of premium libation. Some guests preferred to repeatedly visit the buffet of fabulous finger foods and desserts, though shy at first. Sweets were placed on the tables too where waitresses served the few who chose to remain seated.

Artist Vernoia Barnasee with husband Roy. RUDOLPH HIBBERT PHOTO

The elegant Banarsee supported by her husband, Roy, was on hand to explain her works. The self-taught artist who, who sees everything through the rose-coloured lens has been donating her work to many charitable causes, including the Hanover Charities, and The Michelle Rollings Foundation for auction and as gifts.

The works on display shoot only the explorations and experiments in varied media of Banarsee, but also her observations. The works almost 30 in number, was on lifestyle of Jamaicans such as children bathing in the river, music played by Jamaicans, and a few houses where Jamaicans dwell. The portrait pieces were the more outstanding especially the bust of a rastafarian and an elderly woman (pastel).

Musician by banarsee

In his presentation, Minister Paulwell spoke of the arts in general as a tool of development, as he commended the artist in her debut exhibition. His piece, which was eye catching, was on loan for the exhibition. Guests were treated to a collection that numbered about 30 pieces, with the subject matters running the gamut of portraits, still life and landscapes.

It is important to note that the artist had two signature styles.

Guests in attendance included Chester Francis Jackson; Warrick Taylor (US); Andrew Lovvas (US); Marilyn Delevante; Edward Shoucair; the charmingly elegant Joan Davidson; Hugh Croskery; the charming Vera Ennis; Ian and Brenda Wong; Honorary Consul of Guyana Mrs Indera Persuad and husband Dr Dayanand Sawh; Anthony Pearson; the fabulous Betty Delfosse-Ingleton, visiting from her home in Zanzibar, Tanzania; Donald and Karlene Fung; Kenneth and Beryl William-Singh; their son, the dapper Nari William-Sing and his fiancée, the fabulous Trisha Thompson; Dennis Williams and companion Renesia Cargill; Tony Lewis; Robin and Renae Richri; Sutanya Chedda; the stunning Morgan McFarlane, sporting a shocking red Mohawk; artist Laura-Anne Fung; Serrie Campbell; Godiva Golding; Andrew Lovas; Julette Robinson; gallery owner Douglas Reid.

The exhibition ends in a week.

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