I waited all day to find out Jamaican RM summons was not served

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QUESTION: Dear Legal wiz,

I went to the Resident Magistrate Court in Jamaica, and after waiting all day, they told me that the summons was not served. I insisted because I had gone with the young man who served the summons, and the lady told me that he didnt see the return piece. When I eventually saw the young man, he had the copy of the summons that should have been given to the Defendant. He didnt come to court. What should I do now, because I dont think I have time to start over before I leave for Maryland.
Shawna Barrett

RESPONSE: Dear Shawna,
Thanks for writing in. You do not need to start over. You must ask the young men for the documents he has and carry them to the court. A new date will be decided on. Please ensure that the copied summons is given.

Legal Wiz

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