QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
Last week a woman called me and told me that she had met me in Half Way Tree sometime ago and I had given her my number. She said she was supposed to go out with me, and now she is ready. She didnt quite remember my name, but could describe me. When I went to meet her at Three Miles, she and another woman tried to give me a summons from the Court in Spanish Town. I refused it because I have never borrowed money in my life. The two women grabbed unto my shirt and stuffed the summons inside past my chest and told me to tell the judge I didnt borrow any money. It was after I did some research I found out where the company I was supposed to borrow money from was located. These girls caused a lot of embarrassment for me and some man keeps calling me to tell me they cannot take back the summons. So in two months I am to get a lawyer to come to say I didnt borrow the money and this man says he’ll pay the attorney costs. Should I go to Court when I was not even on the island during the time these persons claim I borrowed the money. Maybe I should just throw this away.
Peter Ruebens
RESPONSE: Dear Peter,
The norm is for persons to go to Court when summoned. In your case, it will be better for you and the loan company if you went back to the company and ask for the legal department. Only a representative from that department you should meet with and explain yourself to. It’s almost a guarantee that if you explain yourself properly more will be done than than just reclaiming the summons from you.
Legal Wiz
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