A cozy warm nook for
Author Profile
I am a graduate of the Social Studies Faculty of the University of the West Indies (Political Science Major with knowledge in International Relations Studies). I am in love with my country and its people, and as a member of the creative industry, I believe in the skills of Caribbean nationals. Aside from contributing my writings to this site, I plan events especially entertainment, arts and culture related. I also do event promotions and media relations.
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Latest entries
EditorialApril 16, 2011EDITORIAL: ‘Bus rude’ in Jamaica
General ReleasesOctober 10, 2010Take a vote on voting in Jamaica
General categoryAugust 26, 2010Beauty with a purpose, let’s respect, let’s celebrate
General categoryAugust 10, 2010Shall we READ?
I’m very very very VERY enthusiastic about show-casting my poetries………PLEASE tell me that Bookophilia has events which i can participate in this summer!!!!!…….I really want this and beside from that i love and respect this Bookstore-you know how much people I’ve told about your books!!!
Hi Tashanie,
Thanks for communicating. Please say whether or not you live in Jamaica, so I can better advise you. Also, do you only want to participate at Bookophila events, ofr are you just seeking to promote your works in general?