Last Sunday, October 31 at Gallery Barrington, ‘Barrington: 50 years of drawing’ was made available to the public.
Read MoreCategory: Jamaican books
Jamaican publisher speaks on book life
WHY, after 500 years are we so afraid to accommodate even the thought of having the book as we know it, replaced by some other method of accessing information?
Read MoreBarrington Watson to launch book on 50 years of drawing
Master Painter Barrington Watson celebrates a milestone of 50 years of drawing with the publication of a new book, Barrington: 50 Years of drawing 1958-2008
Read MoreArts career library: Literary Arts: Publicist
The more prestigious the event, the publicist -one’s personal cheerleader – is in greater demand to supplying information, promoting their image and popularity
Read MoreSoft launch for Independent VoYces Tuesday, October 19
Come this Tuesday, October 19, Jamaican media personnel will be given a briefing of Independent Voyces Literary Fair at a press launch slated for Bookophilia
Read MoreLiterary arts fair to expose new Jamaican authors
Literary Fair launches this Friday at Bookophilia
Independent VoYces Literary Fair is a one-day event which will feature a selection of mostly new authors who will share the stage with featured poets
Read MoreLiterary Fair coming November 7 at Strawberry Fields
On Sunday the 26th, the BOOK CLUB meets to discuss “The Elegance of the Hedgehog” by Muriel Barbery.
Read MoreAnthony Winkler releases ‘Crocodile’ in Jamaica September 1
The fable explores faith, vendettas, fornication, maid grinding, through a plot involving his once house helper, other women and a river dwelling crocodile
Read MoreGood news for artists, artistes, artisans dedicated to all artists.. so consider sponsoring your slot with ad.. 10,000 for 3 months… and feature.. Hmmm not bad is it…
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