“The word says that every man should examine himself. We are definitely in the last days if time, yet we conform to presumptuous sin. Saying God understands…well God will not be mocked, so don’t mistake His kindness,mercy and grace for weakness. I hope and pray that the children of god who know better, start doing better, praying fervently, living consciously, loving our enemies, stand ready to preach the word in season and out, turn from our evil ways and conform to God way. We can and must have a reformation of character, if we hope to be saved.”-DREWLHINDS.COM
Author Profile
Drew L. Hinds, Jr. is a driven young man of Jamaican decent, whose inner being radiates passion and a deep level of insight. Drew operates as mentor, a songwriter, vocalist, freelance photographer, self-taught pianist. As an author he self published his debut book Don’t Spoil Your Appetite, Volume 1, Good Man For Sale ( a guide to women) ). He is also the editor, graphic designer and co-founder of Desk Ink Publishing. For his books, link up at http://www.amazon.com/Drew-L-Hinds/e/B007SP1OEG
Click here to contact Drew. ...or email me here
Latest entries
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