Get hired in Jamaica

Have you ever seen yourself as a product.
As soon as you know you are bound to go looking for a job it is the right time to start marketing yourself as a product.

The real secret to getting hired is to become your own billboard.
Thats right you have to learn how to market yourself. Market yourself to the ones who will hire you and the ones who can recommend you.

Now here are five top steps

  1. Research
    Become familiarised with at least four areas you are qualified to work in. Do not confine yourself to your formal education.
  2. Workout
    Work out what your qualifications are versus your skills.Work out what your personality type is.Work out your hours of availability versus your hours of comfort within which you work best. Work out your limitations.
  3. Tryout
    Try out some new skills.Try out doing interviews with different critics who can be friends, family, former coworkers. Try out your confidence level.
  4. Explore
    Dig into which fields work best for you. Check out vacancies and what is required. Be adventurous! Check online and offline, offices, newspapers, friends, acquaintances too. You may want to check other countries and research backgrounds.
  5. Prep Up
    Prepare several job applications, resumes and practice for interviews. Remember that your applications and resumes can be varied and tailored to fit in with the company or field of your choice.

Now you are ready and rearing. Take the leap. Send out job applications, do follow ups and practice responding to questions. Practice communicating about you and how you can be an asset when called to the interview.
Dont be skeptic. Jobs are stepping stones to goals to be achieved.

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... qualified & experienced in journalism, creative writing, editing, the arts, art critique, paralegal, photography, teaching, research, event planning, motivational speaking, workshops for children and adults, visual arts etc. Click here for contact form. ...or email me here

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