Help us get peace of mind, Will from sister in Jamaica

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QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
Our dad died and left the three of us – my two sisters and me. One of my sisters there in Jamaica is acting like she owns the place. She took the Will and is hiding it from us. Her son is now threatening my children out there in Jamaica and ordering them to leave the house left my our dad. My other sister out there is in fear for her life as well. I need assistance from your team, even to give my sister hiding the Will and her son a notice. Only my father’s name was on the title and the Will did say all three of us was to split everything so I do not understand the evil actions of my sister and her son. He didnt have anyone but us up to his death.
Please help.
Sara Leung

RESPONSE: Dear Sara Leung,
Truthfully, an application should have been made to probate your dad’s will by the Executor. Our team can make some checks such as whether or not this application was made. If not, then checks could be made as to whether application was made for a grant of administration and if any application to transfer the title to anyone made.
If nothing was done, you should consider doing one of these steps with the assistance of someone who is qualified. Please consider this and then we can assist you to get an attorney to do so on your behalf.
Legal Wiz

The above does not constitute legal advice. The responses are prepared and published by inhouse senior journalists after research and discussion with attorneys-at-law and other specialists, as necessary.
The Legal Wiz networks professionals from all fields to serve the interest of all Jamaicans and persons relating with Jamaicans.

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... a team of professional experts, mostly Jamaicans, from varied fields including as priority paralegal, investigation, research, real estate, construction, arts (literary, visual, performing, culinary) and entertainment, certified Attorneys (civil and criminal law). Information is researched, then published, on this site, in the interest of the wider public.
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