I live in France, how do I return to live in Jamaica

[On becoming a tenant in Jamaica
Traveling to Jamaica can be difficult, especially when you are unaware of your rights. Difficulties at times present themselves only after you’ve decided to stay on in the country for extended periods, of say more than two weeks. Even more challenging is the onslaught of high prices, where you do not beforehand equip yourself with knowledge. This goes for residence of any kind.

I read your article on being a tenant in Jamaica (see excerpt above) with great interest.
I was in Jamaica last year, have many friends there & thought I should like to become a resident. I looked into the possibilities but the information was complicated. I think people are allowed to stay for 6 months, depart & return again but to become a resident it seemed I would have to apply when there on a trip, return home, (although I have a British Passport I live in France), wait for reply from Jamaican authorities, return to Jamaica after sending forms back to be interviewed by the authorities. After that I am unclear as to the proceedure, I have seached the Jamaican websites but all seem to be orientated towards working in Jamaica, I am retired?
Can you help please?

Thanks in advance. M-A


Dear M-A,

Thank you for reading our article “On Becoming a Tenant in Jamaica,” and following up with a question. This email is in response to your recent query on applying for residence in Jamaica, submitted to [email protected]. It seems that your concerns are on the procedures to follow in applying to become a full time/returning resident
a. when applying as a resident of France, and owning a British passport
b. should you wish to apply while on a vacation in Jamaica
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In the event you do require further assistance/legwork or research on this or any relating topic, please refer to the following article by clicking on the link below. The legal legwork team

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... a team of professional experts, mostly Jamaicans, from varied fields including as priority paralegal, investigation, research, real estate, construction, arts (literary, visual, performing, culinary) and entertainment, certified Attorneys (civil and criminal law). Information is researched, then published, on this site, in the interest of the wider public.
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