In MY MIND, I am grateful somewhat that at last the police gets a real dose of their own actions they reek upon society. So now a policeman is bawling down the place fearful of what rogue cops will do to him, deeply concerned about how he’s being seen by the public. This all happens within hours after he flees a police escort, after being nabbed for being considered a rogue cop himself. Well then! Fan me with a feather, lets all kneel in ashes, right!
There are so many persons who in claiming to push the country forward, really held the country back. I am grateful for every advancement we have made as a people, but its time we realised where we really should have been after 50 years, considering so much.
Today I am reminded of how this ‘push back’ was manifested in yet another critical sector of society while the elite danced around for their cut of the prize pie filled with blood.
Long list of contributing factors to Jamaicas crime
So now its confirmed there is a long list of contributing factors to our increasing crime rate. Its not time to be hyprocrites and play the blame game on political parties and church bodies. Truth be told they both contributed, BUT both parties have challenges to kick crime to the curb, regardless of how many handles.
Proper analysis needed
PROPER analysis of all sectors and at least 60 per cent of the contributing factors must be considered. – but where are they looking- heads too high to understand how to look. An increase in Jamaica’s crime rate is not just about no job opportunities, little education, inefficient training, insufficient equipment, archaic laws, even biblical inconsistencies. It also has a lot to do with culture and bottom line thinking. Yes some persons tout it is the end times so crime has gotta be.. but in the cycle of world events, there is a lot that starts with how humans are trained to think.
Right now a lot of persons are calling wrong right, and sucking it too quickly so no residue is left.
STOP! Do you realise that even our children are caught up because for too long we overlook little things being built on no foundation, and turn a blind eye on little cracks in the wall. Remember when we think a boy wearing his moms earrings was cute, and a boy holding down a girl to kiss her was just darling. So after an entire wall built brick by brick hardens, comes reality.
DONT for one moment think its not your problem.. No matter what you do to honour the greats, to boast our accomplishments, turning a blind eye only makes our growing crime rate worse.
My suggestion, if you feel trapped to do anything, you at least can consider to circulate videos and remind of the ills being done almost daily now.. circulate them beyond a nine-day wonder until …
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- ... qualified & experienced in journalism, creative writing, editing, the arts, art critique, paralegal, photography, teaching, research, event planning, motivational speaking, workshops for children and adults, visual arts etc. Click here for contact form. ...or email me here
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