US Clinton paves good start to the ‘Holness’ way in Jamaica

The eyes of the world will be more on Jamaica now, as we literally have the world’s youngest prime minister at 39 years old… At a recent CARICOM meeting starting with a press briefing US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton wasted no words in commending the JLP government for recent accomplishments – a good start for Jamaica’s soon-to-be newest PM

It’s simple! Jamaica having the youngest prime minister worldwide is cause to attract the world to our shores. Doesn’t matter if naysayers are being critical that there was no election. How could there be without contenders?

Outgoing Prime Minister of Jamaica meets US Secreatary of State Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton

On Wednesday, October 20, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton addressed media and special guests at a Global Diaspora forum – press briefing at the Ritz Carlton Hotel and Spa, during her one-day visit. A high-level meeting with foreign ministers of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) followed.

It’s a fitting start to welcome the world’s youngest prime minster, Andrew Holness, to-be-sworn-in October 23, and, as strategically plotted in the Caribbean. As the ‘Holness’ way is implemented there will be more to come. Welcome Mrs Clinton setting pace with the first international visit, at recent Montego Bay based CARICOM meeting.
Read more at THIS LINK.

It’s not the first that the US Secretary of State has visited Jamaica, and she admitted to a ‘strong’ relationship with outgoing Prime Minister, Bruce Golding, whom she even met with recently in Washington DC.
The visit is her first however since 1973, as highlighted by Deputy Prime Minister Kenneth Baugh.

Andrew Holness, world's youngest Prime Minister to be sworn in October 23 is from Jamaica


The main input of the US Secretary of State at the press briefing was her announcing major initiatives to encourage interaction with the Caribbean Diaspora which will lead to trade, job creation, economic growth, climate clean up and preservation.
It is estimated that the Caribbean Diaspora comprises some six million members, half this figure living in US alone.

The statements followed her reiterating the commitment of the US government to invest US77 million dollars during the 2011 fiscal year in the Caribbean. An initiative for improving ‘border regional security.’ The sum is a part of intiatives to deepen the Caribbean base and a security measure to tackle challenges such as crime.

Among the points discussed was her observation in the recent positives by the JLP-led government for the country.

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