VIEW: Warning of Dangers to Human Virtue for Jamaicans?

Seven dangers to human virtue, Jamaicans should beware and be wary of!

Jamaicans all over bawl, mourn, and if nothing else indulge in cursing the political leaders – side against side. Labourites of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) equally argue, blatantly disrespect and even eliminate Socialites of the Peoples National Party (PNP) as much as that party does the same to them. Leaders to the grass root and common man spend far too much time cultivating hatred, stirring strife. There is nothing wrong with comparing notes, but just like the tax system of Jamaica which needs a total reformation the outlook on Jamaica politics needs a complete transformation.

Now the arguments and hatred have spilled on facebook. It now becomes a great challenge to pick a group. Several groups are formed albeit with good names such as ‘Real change for Jamaica’, Speak Your Mind Jamaica’, and even ‘Open and Honest Labourite Group’.
No chance and recommendation to settle too quickly, for sure enough agendas seemingly of the moderators who fail to moderate balance in arguments, posted by members, seem to shine too brightly. Before long the groups amount to nothing than a notice board for the evils of either political party.
The real evil lies in the too repeated incidence of one party’s supporters indulging in a trashing and thrashing of the other without offering practicable solutions.. PRACTICABLE for all citizens. workable by either party, applicable through any government.
I maintain that just like the school system, we choose the system we want to achieve the desired results. The results desired being a common goal among all Jamaicans – I would hope. I was never one to be swayed by the crowd, even on facebook. Thing is you want to support a group, but then that group has its agendas, which it puts up as priority over the main deal — and cant allow your independent mind. So here members and administrators are – at a point battling to crow. There is a ban on persons who do not support the main threads obviously now posted to push one party over the next. The real evil though is they do so at the expense of not accepting where they themselves have and continue to go wrong. So we ind up with persons on either end who bawl out against another’s wrongs, but embrace them when the colour is their preference.


Seven (7) Dangers to Human Virtue
1. Wealth WITHOUT Work
2. Pleasure WITHOUT Conscience
3. Knowledge WITHOUT Character
4. Business WITHOUT Ethics
5. Science WITHOUT Humanity
6. Religion WITHOUT Sacrifice
7. Politics WITHOUT Principle

So here it is two political parties, two separate systems, but really that should be existing with the same desire – ultimately the betterment, progress of an improved Jamaica nation universally.
However, even facebook group members and moderators take the hurt when open minded and frank individuals are nothing less than independent minded, and eventually these persons whether posting as devil’s advocate etc gets banned, kicked. Where do we go as a nation is the forever unanswered question.
Such fools do not like to be answered according to their folly, and so the critical thinkers who strive for a higher tier of balance get kicked when they do not fall in the mill of the group’s strategy to cultivate strife against those in disagreement with the fools.
Both JLPites and PNPites, as major parties need to get progressive.. GO brown!
Its inevitable for humans to disagree at some point with each other. Now even members of the PNP are warring with each other and a further divide is threatened. FOR WHAT — Politicksters who care little about a nation and more about themselves. The list of evils of both parties are endless and society continues to be blinded by party colours worn too often and without strategy.
Leaders are necessary, but must come from, or prodded into action for the people they represent. Mere rantings, ravings, enlisting of party evils, one against the other are not the avenues to cross.
Time has come for practical solutions. Such as and foremostly education of what government and governance is about. Jamaicans should above all know their rights as humans, then citizens. Understanding cultivates confidence. If only we could shake off depending on others to think for us, and interpret on our behalf, but arise.


O that those who post, post to educate. Share knowing we co-exist! Time to drop useless debates, where the points are so dull they only hurt those who try to use them aimlessly.
Its time to peel away the shackles of slavery – physical, emotional, mental that have held done and divided such a highly skilled and intelligent nation of Jamaica long enough. Realising the ineffectiveness of Jamaican politricksters, Jamaicans at home and especially those who are abroad need serious detailed emancipation of self, freedom of minds, a grasp of their creativity for Jamaica’s sake. AFTER ALL: TRUE WORKABLE POLITICS BEGINS WITH THE NATION’S PEOPLE WHO UNDERSTAND THEMSELVES, WHERE THEY WANT TO NEED TO BE.. AND THE TOOLS TO CARVING THAT PATH!!!!!!!!

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