Jamaica’s DIGICEL RISING STAR review August 28, 2016
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Summons for paying $20,000 on a loan
Belly fat is making me ugly, what can I take?
Jamaica’s DIGICEL RISING STAR review August 21, 2016
How will he pay me from Jamaican Jail
—————————————————————– QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz, I got a judgement order from the Lower Court for my money, but found out the Defendant is in jail for a crime for over a year now. He doesnt even have family members rallying around him, and nothing to sell at all. I went to friend to recommend an attorney and he says I am wasting my money and nothing further. I need to leave the island and need that money badly. Can you help me to get an attorney. Rudd RESPONSE: Dear Rudd,…
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