Locations of courthouses across/in Jamaica

This is in follow up to requests for assistance in finding courthouses and their locations across Jamaica, West Indies, Caribbean Sea. Attending any court as plaintiff (claimant), defendant (respondent), witness, reporter, or observer impacts on you as the experience is life-changing. [I know my life changed when I started going into the courts]. What’s intriguing is the number of legal agents, some being ‘law peddlers or hustlers’ found at a number of courthouses that take a small contribution to not only assist with paperwork, even serving summons, but in some instances attend court to handle your civil matters. Be warned however that these legal agents are not always warmly welcomed by the Judges and are sometimes considered to be infringing in the attorneys-at-law field. The reality is once they are professional enough though they are allowed as they are undeniably a big help to the justice system in assisting to minimise the increasing number of small claim cases.

Actually being a given power-of-attorney document to represent someone in a small claim gives a slight hint of the journey lawyers or attorneys-at-law take.
The experience is filling and in Jamaica for sure exposes you to an entire different culture, and perspective on the Jamaican culture you know. above all, you learn your rights from your own experience and quickly through that of others. You learn above all that in Jamaica .. things, actions are interpreted with a different spin in the legal system than when you interact with the average man in the streets or even your peers.
Those in the legal system should be revered for the roles they play, but then again they themselves should be accountable in carrying out their tasks with respect and sensitivities to all mankind esp those in need of representation for lack of the complexities involved and legal jargons.

Courthouse of all courthouses in Jamaica - The Supreme Court in kingston

Jamaica is divided into 14 parishes grouped into the three counties of the country. Check for your parish and find the courthouse there. Please note that Montego Bay is not a parish and is found in the parish of St James. Here’s a listing of the main courthouses… Keep connected for further postings and updates especially on directions and contact information. Just search this site. What you dont see, JUST REQUEST?


HANOVER, Lucea Courthouse
SAINT ELIZABETH, Black River Courthouse, Balaclava Courthouse(not always functioning)
SAINT JAMES, Montego Bay Courthouse
TRELAWNY, Falmouth Courthouse
WESTMORELAND, Savannah-La-Mar (Sav-la-mar) Courthouse


CLARENDON, May Pen Courthouse
MANCHESTER, Mandeville courthouse
SAINT ANN, Ocho Rios Courthouse
SAINT CATHERINE, Spanish Town Courthouse, Portmore Courthouse for Night Court sessions, Linstead Courthouse
SAINT MARY, Annotto Bay Courthouse


KINGSTON, Supreme Courthouse, Sutton Street (Civil Division) courthouse; Half-Way-Tree (Criminal) Division) Courthouse
SAINT ANDREW (with Kingston)
PORTLAND, Port Antonio Courthouse
SAINT THOMAS, Morant Bay Courthouse

Over time I’ll add more to this site so you and others can benefit. So please stay connected.

Legal Wiz

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FIRST PUBLISHED relating article August 10, 2011.

Author Profile

... a team of professional experts, mostly Jamaicans, from varied fields including as priority paralegal, investigation, research, real estate, construction, arts (literary, visual, performing, culinary) and entertainment, certified Attorneys (civil and criminal law). Information is researched, then published, on this site, in the interest of the wider public.
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