As knowledge abound, more persons attempt to represent themselves in legal matters. The Truth is the law globally does allow a person to represent themselves, and no one not even the Judge can force someone to rely on an attorney. More persons feel outright compelled to delve into research and represent themselves faced by several challenges.
This is true in Jamaica, where money is hard to find and attorneys charge an arm and a leg. Worse, zillie thousand Jamaicans constantly feel scammed by attorneys, if not the officers who claim to represent the Court starting with the bailiffs so appointed / contracted with top legal entities.
Adding to the madness, too many tricks are being played out, and on the other hand hardly any of these persons who claim to be servants of the public are willingly to work out a payment plan or even work probono. Probono is fast becoming an antique word in Jamaica.
Still an attorney is the best option – it’s incumbent upon the individual to get an efficient attorney, and one should stop at nothing to get one should you need to rely on one. This especially in legally technical or complicated matters. The common case needs attornies too, but too be fair, common sense, and literacy goes hand in hand when appearing before the Judge, mostly the Parish Judges. In most Parish Court cases, especially landlord and tenant it’s a matter of outlining your matter. and in modern day Jamaica the system is now lapsing to allow paralegals and other well wishers with legal sense to assist the illiterate.
Here are the top reasons YOU NEED AN ATTORNEY:

Trial is the main reason you NEED AN ATTORNEY
The trial, however conducted is the climax of a case – combining all the elements of the Courtroom, it is the essential tool that the Judge(s) relies on to arrive at a decision. Can you conduct such a trial would be my first question? The courtroom and its members are no joke despite today’s modern man knowing more about the law. When there is an intention to defend the claim, and to deceive the Court, a qualified attorney uses the legal language, legal sense, legal training, and court room procedures to bring the truth out. An attorney, a trustworthy and properly qualified one that is is a superb tool.
Here are a few reasons:
- LANGUAGE: There is a legal language spoken in the courtroom easier understood by those who have studied and practised. Imagine learning a foreign language by the book, but as you know speaking it is an entirely different scenario.
- PROCEDURES: There are certain procedures especially when it comes to civil law that must be followed or the case can be compromised. Civil court is largely based on rules which must be followed. When followed proper records are kept for example to back up the spoken word that only the Judge records at the lower level. Although there are persons who assist in keeping record in the higher courts, you will note that it is all by hand. The dignity of the court allows for openness and thus documents o be relied upon must be revealed before the case is tried as primary example.
- MANNERISM: When in Rome you do as the Romans do, and so in Court one must understand the mannerisms of the courtroom. These mannerisms are often outlined by an attorney.
- BASIC PROCEEDING REQUIREMENTS: There are basic requirements such as giving evidence, questioning, proposing arguments that must be dealt with according to the rules of the Court if not by the codified law. Without an attorney involved, one that is not previously exposed cannot meet these requirements efficiently.
- IMBALANCE: In most instances when the other side relies on an attorney, you need to rely on one too.
Bear in mind that although the Judges make suggestions, their role is not to advise you as an attorney. Besides if a Judge stops every minute to instruct someone on what to do, this will in addition to being a conflict of interest, be a grounds for appeal simply because that Judge will be compromising his / her stand as a Judge somewhat.
Legal Wiz
The above does not constitute legal advice. Inhouse senior journalists research and discuss with specialists eg attorneys-at-law, as necessary before posting responses. In conclusion, names are changed at times by request.
For attorney-support services (including research, documentation, collections, legwork, agent, property overseer, housesitter, follow ups et al) in Jamaica you may call 876-530-5744 or 305-648-6963 or simply write to [email protected] to make private arrangements beyond the commitment of this mediahouse.
Critically the Legal Wiz networks professionals from fields in the interest of all Jamaicans and persons relating with Jamaicans.
Physical office is at Suite # 1, 3 South Avenue, Swallowfield, Kingston 5, Jamaica West Indies. Rates may apply. See more
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... a team of professional experts, mostly Jamaicans, from varied fields including as priority paralegal, investigation, research, real estate, construction, arts (literary, visual, performing, culinary) and entertainment, certified Attorneys (civil and criminal law). Information is researched, then published, on this site, in the interest of the wider public.
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