‘Arrested’ from a pickup van for hanging body parts

QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
The other day we were going to the beach in Portmore. The fellows were sitting on the side of the van, when a police stopped us. The police was about to arrest the men at the back because their body was hanging over. Like literally take them away to jail.
After a while they gave us a bligh but I really am wondering, because as the driver they said I could be arrested too. They looked at the documents and told me that the fitness was up, but I said it wasnt. could they really do that?
Joshua Anglin

RESPONSE: Dear Joshua,
Rest assured you and the person with the hanging body was headed for trouble. The laws of Jamaica speak strongly about protruding body parts. Do you remember or even was in Jamaica when numerous bus conductors were taken to jail because they were seen swinging from the open doors of the public bus.
It is an offense to have any part of your body protruding from a moving vehicle. As for you, a senior police officer has explained that where usually the outdated fitness would have merited a ticket, you could be given a summons for court, because of that other offense that you allowed.

Legal wiz


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