Debating the Andrew Holness regime to come?

It’s only the first hurdle crossed with Andrew Holness emerging conductor of the Jamaica Labour Party. Alas, the reactions stirred would make anyone think he’s destined to be the strongest contender in the battle for Head of Government – Prime Minister of Jamaica.

Interesting!! Andrew Holness has merely been placed in he driver’s seat of the Jamaica Labour Party, but yet this action has stirred reactions like no other party leader.
For one literally thousands of Jamaicans have been spurred into the brave act of openly declaring support, intention to vote in the upcoming general elections. There are those who are sweating on the implications for Jamaica having one so young, who spent 14 years under the influence of the iron-hand Edward Seaga, and as Member of Parliament. What of his experience? Where is his expertise? Where’s his track record?


Reality kicks in for others who confidently and openly declare their belief in Holness as the chosen one of Jamaica, even God-picked and ordained some say.
But let us remember the excitement that built for PJ, then Portia Simpson-Miller then Bruce Golding – all honourable leaders.
Damion Crawford is one representative of the People’s National Party(PNP) rising hopefully as a contender.

This time around it’s wise to weigh all sides. Above all examine the forthright candidates for who they are as citizens of Jamaica, rather than the parties they belong. In the end the real colour for the next leader should be brown – the colour of Jamaicans – and of course the result of mixing all party colours.

The new leader of Jamaica emerging, Holness or otherwise should as priority draw references from all parties, the critics, the rising contenders and certainly from international countries starting with the First World countries.
It may call for a new constitution, some new Parliamentary rules, but for sure it’s going to be time to THINK and ACT out of the box.

Here are a few comments for, maybe and against Andrew Holness who have only jumped the first hurdle – becoming leader of the Jamaica Labour Party. The race for head of government over all Jamaicans and Jamaica is yet to be won.


These comments are pooled from a greater pool of comments, and are chosen based on impact on other participants in the forums.

Will all the people who ramble on about Bruce, Andrew, the JLP and DUDUS saga.. tell me HOW COME for 18 and a half years PNP had him growing from a childdon to a mandon and worse hold electrocution parties at our expense.. or was it just a few selected who got high electricity bills and were priveleged to go into Tivoli when the wall electric guards were turned off.. Do say.. WILL we all vote from untiy.. for someone who wears brown and passionate about Jamaica and its progress who can officiate in any ministry simply because he is the minister of the people… Why oonu dont encourage some young PNP equivalent to Andrew to enter the race… DEAR YOU!!! I DARE YOU LOTS!!

COURTNEY EDWARDS on Facebook in Real Change for Jamaica Fourum, October 6
I am so sick and tired of career politicians playing games with people

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