A true ambassador of Jamaican culture, Joan Andrea Hutchinson seeks to educate individuals; and, keep the kaleidoscope culture of Jamaica alive and current to all persons whom she comes in contact with by using wit and humor. She enthralls her audience as she weaves stories and poems about Jamaica
Author Profile
I am a graduate of the Social Studies Faculty of the University of the West Indies (Political Science Major with knowledge in International Relations Studies). I am in love with my country and its people, and as a member of the creative industry, I believe in the skills of Caribbean nationals. Aside from contributing my writings to this site, I plan events especially entertainment, arts and culture related. I also do event promotions and media relations.
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Latest entries
EditorialApril 16, 2011EDITORIAL: ‘Bus rude’ in Jamaica
General ReleasesOctober 10, 2010Take a vote on voting in Jamaica
General categoryAugust 26, 2010Beauty with a purpose, let’s respect, let’s celebrate
General categoryAugust 10, 2010Shall we READ?
Great site. A lot of useful information here. I’m sending it to some friends!
who is joan andrea hutchinson?
Thank you for communicating. Joan Andrea Hutchinson is considered a cultural ambassador for Jamaica. As a poet, she has authored a well sought out book – a collection of phrases and lifestyles of Jamaicans. She is one of Jamaica’s well loved actresses.
Please read more on her at
There you’ll learn more of her as a She is a well respected writer, motivational speaker, actress, tv/ radio producer; training in radio and television production and news.
Stay connected, and please keep sharing!