Help me divorce my ‘country’ wife quick!

QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
I got married in 1990s, but within a year my wife started to frowns. No sex, no life. I stayed with her and built up her house on her family’s land, but I need divorce NOW. Next thing she brings her first baby father there and carries on with all sorts of living. Yet all this time she curses me. I eventually got another girl pregnant and the wife started treating me real bad. well I have a girlfriend who wants me to marry her. I need a divorce like yesterday from this country wife. How soon can I get it?
Willing to give up the house anyway to the child wife had for me.
Ronald Reddling

RESPONSE: Dear Ronald,
Please realise that even with the best attorney the divorce process is at least 3 months. Divorce is done by civil procedures. There are paperwork to be drafted submitted, approved.
There are also numerous stages, relating to the divorce, to be executed in between submissions such as publications of notices in the newspapers and service upon the other party.
It’s possible that a hearing for the divorce to even be temporarily approved will need to take place.
Please consider full consultation with an attorney at law.

Legal Wiz

The above does not constitute legal advice. Inhouse senior journalists research and discuss with specialists eg attorneys-at-law, as necessary before posting responses. In conclusion, names are changed at times by request.


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