QUESTION: Dear Legal Wiz,
I asked a real estate company to rent my house. They put a chineseman in my house and after two weeks the chinese man moved out. I cant get any monies. I dont remember getting any copy of the rent contract, and the real estate agent claims the original cannot be found.
The realtor says he never received any monies whatsoever, but the chiney man claims he paid them. The chiney man says he moved because the neighbours complained about him, so it was not any fault of my agent nor I. The chiney man said he paid by cash, then he claimed he paid by deposit to my bank account.
RESPONSE: Dear Shaun
The reality is your contract is really with the real estate person who actually signed a contract with the man.
One attorney however suggest that you take the matter to court as the man will have to produce a receipt for the monies he claims he paid.
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