Wayne Chen speaks on paths to success for Jamaican artists

Often times Jamaican artists lay blame at entitities such as government and businesspersons for their lack of advancing as a nation. On the other hand several factors are being discussed as the rationale for the tardiness in successfor numbered Jamaican artists.
As an example of aspirations for Jamaican artists, businessman and art aficionado Wayne Chen highlights the story of 45-year-old Damien Hirst.

Wayne Chen congratulates literary artist Marguerite Orane at the launch of her book "Free and Laughing."

In an unprecedented move, British Damien Hirst recently became the only artist known for selling an entire show to Sotherby

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... qualified & experienced in journalism, creative writing, editing, the arts, art critique, paralegal, photography, teaching, research, event planning, motivational speaking, workshops for children and adults, visual arts etc. Click here for contact form. ...or email me here

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2 Thoughts to “Wayne Chen speaks on paths to success for Jamaican artists”

  1. Good interview. I visited the gallery weeks ago at an event and he was there. I enjoyed it. Hope more Jamaicans will take the time to visit the gallery…just be inspired.

  2. Thank you for your communications through this website. Bless you for your challenge!

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